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Privacy & Policy

The Privacy Policy will help you better understand how we collect and use.

Licensing Policy

A licensing policy is like a set of rules that tells people how they can use something that someone else owns. For example, if you make a video game, you might have a licensing policy that says other people can’t use your game’s characters or music without your permission. This helps protect your work and make sure you get credit for it. Some licensing policies might be really strict, while others might be more flexible. It’s important to understand the licensing policy for something before you use it, so you know what you’re allowed to do with it.

Additional Policy

An additional policy is like a new rule or guideline that gets added to something that already exists, like a set of rules or a plan. It’s usually put in place to make things clearer or to address new issues that come up. For example, let’s say there’s a rule at school that says students can’t use their phones during class. If too many students start using smartwatches to text instead, the school might add a policy that bans smartwatches too. This helps make sure everyone understands what’s allowed and what’s not.